Thursday, November 29, 2012

Never Give Up Angeline!

Courage, sometimes doesn't guarantee anything.
But thanks to the courage that comes from nowhere, at least I have done what I supposed to do so far.
Even though the result is not pleased, but I am fine with it.
Now, is time to think about it, how to do it all over again.
No matter how hard it is, I will do my best! Never give up!

Jiayou jiayou Angeline!!! You can do it! =)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bird that is trapped in a cage... helpless

I am so frustrated when I know I can do more and perform better but in fact, I can't do that due to something or someone.The feeling is exactly like a bird being trapped in a cage.It knows how high it can fly but it has been trapped...

Do you ever know that I am actually a girl who is willing to take on any challenges. I won't care how hard the task gonna be and I won't care if it is normally done by a guy instead of a girl, I can do it! I am not a "puteri lilin" who is hide under the shelter of somebody else, and I am actually enjoying the process of doing something people might think impossible.

Mistake could be happened sometimes, but who never has mistake? I would love to learn from the mistakes and I do enjoying every learning and growing process.

I am not a superwoman and I don't want to be one. But I would love to challenge my limitation because the sense of satisfaction is the main factor that drives my spirit high and keeps the flames of my passion on.

I am a very positive and ambitious girl. So please, don't trapped my ability but let my strengths and talents to be seen.

Monday, November 26, 2012

A little bit more about the "stubborn" me

You may say I am stubborn, or too aggressive...
Yea, I agree with you.
But, most of the time when I insist on something, there's always a reason behind or a faith which I don't want to give up.

Since young, I have known that life is never easy.
A phrase says that, "Always choose the difficult one when you are still able to because you will know how easy it is when it comes in the later stage of your life. And always, this challenges that make your life completed."
There are most of the time in my 26 years life, experiencing the up and down, I always hold my faith to the last and never give up.
I am not a perfectionist, but when a task is given, I always want it to be ended up the best I can with no regrets.
It doesn't mean that i am always doing it on my own. In fact, I am always open for discussion because it is the way to learn and improve yourself.
But when I insist, I am actually thinking that there is another better way than the one you have. And I still wanna try it out.

Sometimes, people might say I am thinking too much.
Indeed, I am.
I always try to think whatever possibility it could happen even it is not gonna happen.
But I regard it as a way to make the best decision, to make a mature and the best decision out of all.

I am sorry if I am too harsh sometimes,
but I hope you could look at the things as whole, think of the main intention for doing this and identify which are the priorities...

Put in your courage and effort and just do it like there's no tomorrow.

Trust me, if you have done all this mentioned above,
even you do not win in the end, even the things doesn't turned out to be the way you expected,
but the satisfaction you have, the experience you learned and the most important thing is that you have no regrets with what you have done.
All of this are gonna be priceless and it's really feels good.

So guys, stop being a mummy's boy or daddy's girl.
It's time to grow up.
Live like a man, think like a man, and do like a man.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Better me

There's always some inspirations lately, for me...

I read an article today shared by someone on facebook and I found it very interesting...
"A lesson for a lady"

It says,
Everyone, every life is equal. The more you get, the more you pay. It's always fair enough. Being a lady, you must make sure you are financial free. You are able to live a normal life without depending on anyone. From the age of 15 to 25, you are studying hard while traveling hard to everywhere you wish to go. From 25 to 35, you are working hard to achieve something in your career, and then start saving and planning to have a family. Living the life happily and positively, and never complaint about the hard time.

Being romantic is a knowledge and it is a lifestyle. It should be always inside your heart regardless how old you are. Something or someone that you have lost, in another words, they never belongs to you. You shouldn't feel pity or upset but to let it go. Gaining or losing is normal and that actually completes your life path. Love yourself more, the sunshine is always awaiting you every morning.

Since when,
I have noted that a lady should never depend on the other half. You should be independent enough to handle your daily life. For me, I never want to be a superwoman. I need a family and I need friends. However, I neither wanna be too weak or too depending. I always seek a balance in between.

Love, for me, is a miracle. I hardly to fall in love with someone. But if  I do, I know it's gonna be really serious like no turning back. That's why I am worried. I have seen too many failure stories and I did experienced before too. The heart-breaking is never easy.

The recent lesson has really got a big impact to me. And I think I have reached to another level of life. Luckily I have walked through and I am recovering right now. I think I have put in too much effort, too much attention and love towards "him" and that probably doesn't work out. Things do not going well accordingly.

After struggling for so long, I think it's time to let go. Day after day, I really feel better right now. I know I will be good again real soon and until then, I probably have forgotten the sweetest time we had once spent together and all the memories we had. There's always something from heart I wanna say it, "Hey, I am going to forget you now. You might not believe I was once really fall in love with you, truly, deeply and madly. But now, I know I have to forget you. I might not be the best woman in the world. But I am once really wish to be the best woman for you. It's not gonna happen right now..."

Angeline, be tough, be cheerful like you always do. Everyday is gonna be a good day!
Cheers~ =)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Just meant for sharing

Sometimes, there's a food, a tiny action, a simple sentence or a music,
that could really brighten up your day
and keep your passion and energy that probably last for a whole day!

Sometimes, there's a problem that you couldn't solve all this while,
and suddenly, just suddenly, a solution comes to you without any prior notice.

Sometimes, there's a moment when you feel totally upset just like the whole world turns to grey,
and suddenly, every sadness seems like gone to nowhere and everything becomes wonderful again.

There are so many moments in life when you are so negative.
Hold on, stand still and keep your smiling face,
because every trouble got its solution.
It's normal to be negative.

I am so demotivated today and thanks to the lovely McD ice-cream,
i found my passion on works again.
When I was drowned into the old sad memories again,
and thanks God a beautiful song played in the radio just about the right time.

It's just something to share.
Sharing is caring. Cheers!







Sunday, November 11, 2012


莫文蔚 - 如果没有你

hey 我真的好想你
现在窗外面 又开始下着雨
眼睛干干的 有想哭的心情

hey 我真的好想你
太多的情绪 没适当的表情
最想说的话 我(应)该从何说起
如果没有你 没有过去
但是有如果 还是要爱你
如果没有你 我在哪里
反正一切来不及 反正没有了自己

hey 我真的好想你


Tuesday, November 6, 2012






当你已不再在我身边时。 =)

Sunday, November 4, 2012


不对的环境,不对的气氛,不对的人, 却在对的歌曲,对的时间下, 让回忆一点一滴渐渐清晰。 在这样的夜里,大雨清洗过的大地, 就让我再一次放肆地思念。 猛然发现,时间病没有冲淡心中的那份爱, 留下的只是无法释怀的委屈和遗憾。 流着泪的心,又再一次安慰自己, 这是最后一次为了他流泪, 最后一次打开那份对他的爱。 夜已深,请冷风吹干我的泪, 不哭了。 也不想了。

Thursday, November 1, 2012


不為什麼苦惱 日子像悠游的水草
過去多在意的 事過境遷了隨風飄

誰等在我的昨天 左右不了明天
愛過幾年 緣份總是少一天

每次想走得很遠 越渴望越無力向前
如果那麼愛你 最後還要失去你 為你傷心
可能 我會寧願不去冒險

聽過多少永遠 只懷念擁抱你的瞬間
如果遺失的夢 還能再找回來 我會勇敢
可是選擇離開 就別遺憾

當時說了再見 再見面時空都已蛻變
如果遺失的夢 還能再找回來 我會勇敢
可是選擇離開 就別遺憾



