Monday, December 31, 2007

Attitude makes a big different!

"Attitude makes a big different!", nice words i learned today from my colleague.

Indeed, attitude really makes a big different. Look at a very simple example, every time when u want to throw the rubbish on floor, if you can make up ur mind and decide to hold the rubbish for maybe 1 more second to throw it into the dustbin which is just a step away from u, you have make a thing different. If everyone in the world do exactly like you do, you have make a really big different!

Give another example. Let's say you are waiting for an important customer in the lobby. Beside you is another competitor who is wishing to see the customer as well. After 1 and a half hour, the competitor beside you is getting restless and deciding to leave. At that moment, if you can hold on and keep waiting for another 10 minutes, you may be able to meet up with the customer who is on his way to go to the lobby! On the other hand, if you leave as the competitor, you definitely will lose the business.

See, even a tiny decision or movement can change the whole things! So friends, think twice before you make a decision or action, you can make your world different! Be responsible to whatever you do, I m sure you will never regret after all!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

KL Trip -- 巧遇Bosco 黄宗泽

YoHooo~ 两天一夜的KL Trip结束了。昨天凌晨12点才到家。

在KL的这两天真的没有闲着。每天都是吃东西,买东西,看东西,走东西,然后又吃东西,买东西,看东西,走东西。。。很忙hor!! 去了1-Utama,用了6小时才走了25%的地方!!看!我们是不是很厉害!!当然啦~ 这次KL Trip 的目的就是shopping!!! yeah!!!
一天下来,吃了很多东西。从下午开始,嘴巴就没有停过。阿肥的面,小萧笑从香港买回来的饼,Roti boy的面包,不懂什么的咖啡和面包,晚上还去吃steamboat!!! Wahsey!! 不肥才怪!

Yeah!!全家福 in 1-Utama。。。很美一下hor~ =)

Tigger in the house!!! Hehehe....

看到吗?黄宗泽在 Kim Gary 哩!!Hehe... paisey! 忘记我的camera有zoom, 所以咯!hehe...


Kajang satay!!! 赞!


两天一夜的KL Trip 结束了。空空的车却载了满满的东东回家,简称“满载而归”。小萧笑,不要羡慕哦!!Wahahahahahhaa!!!

Friday, December 14, 2007

The Return of the Tiger!!!

Ello~!!! 请大家告诉大家!Tiger is back!! Whahaha! Well, I m now in BP having my industrial training... Soon, I will go to KL to visit Dragon Siow and Pig Siow. Be ready Dragon, I m coming to you for revenge!!! Hiak hiak hiak hiak!