Tuesday, December 25, 2012


EQ, another wisdom of life that you could not neglect.

We meet different kind of people everyday with different emotions. Sometimes, a simple tiny action could really turns the outcome to be either positive or negative. Problems could be simplified if it has been handled with care and wisely.

Sadly, most of the time, our emotions are too easily affected by the people and the surrounding environment and you just can't help it. When troubles come, people tend to be frustrated. Furious has blinded your judgement and things get worst.

Relax, take it easy. Remember, there's always a better way to handle every trouble. Never let your emotions conquer your mind. Calm down and think twice before your speak. I am sure you will realise things have turned to be better, problems are no longer problems.

It works almost all the time!
But we are only human, I understand it.

EQ, one of the wisdom that I would love to discover recently. Frankly speaking, I am very emotional and it seems to be one of my weakest points. Anyhow, I'd love to take it as a challenge, to conquer my emotions and makes things to be better.

Again, all the best to me!

Oh yea, not to forget,
~~ M E R R Y   C H R I S T M A S ~~

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