Tuesday, September 18, 2007

月圆人团圆... ...中秋节快乐~!!in advance =P



中秋节绝对不能少的月饼!对代子而言,传统的月饼最好吃!可是可不可以不要蛋黄?? Hehe...当然,市场上也不乏其它口味的月饼; 翡翠,绿茶,杏仁 等等... 现在更加还有巧克力,草莓,咖啡等等口味的月饼!真是多姿多彩!

月圆人团圆~ 虽然代子我也不能趁中秋节时回去和家人团聚,可是心里有家就已经团圆了! 是吧?

明月几时有,把酒问青天... 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Anniversary of the IB Event (2006)

Time flashes, it's September again...

During the same period one year ago,

we, the IB students of class 2006 were still busying with the IB event preparation...

Practising the performances until midnite, decorating the venue, moving hundreds of tables and chairs..........

The tears and laughters,

all was juz seem like yesterday...

Although it's restless and we were tired,

but, it was the happiest moment that we shared.

The flower of "Friendship" blossoms around us,

we know we are united.

Although we fight sometimes,

but we love each other from the bottom of the heart.

Although we fail sometimes,

but the passion and spirit will never die.

Although there are some critics from outsiders,

but we know we have already given our best and we did great,

i guess...

Until today, I am still feeling proud and honour of being part of it.


I will never forget all the moments we had have of being together...

Happy 1st anniversary to all IB students of class 2006!!!

IB students rockz~~!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Pattern liao liao 的茜姐, Happy Birthday~

Yeah~~!!祝我们 gang 里面最“口爱”,最 pattern liao liao,最 hyperactive,号称丞琳二号的茜姐,生日快乐~~!! Happy 22nd Birthday~~!!哈哈!

Sunday, September 2, 2007


终于,恐怖的八月走了。来临的九月,代子并没闲着。虽然比起恐怖八月算是轻松多了,但是代子“亲爱”的assignments们还是悄悄的席卷代子美好的九月。Aihhh~~ 回想过去的八月份,代子可说是没有一刻是闲着的!也因为这样没日没夜的日子,终于在八月份的最后一天,代子病倒了... ... Aihh~~ 我只能说无奈啊~~

最近,某位前辈对我说了些刺激的话。他觉得代子太年轻,应该以学业为重,其他的就暂时别想。老实说,代子听了有点“hurt”到。代子知道他并非恶意的,毕竟他也是为了代子好。其实,老实说,代子也承认自己经验不足。有时也会烦恼不知道该怎么应付。但是,有件事代子非常清楚...... 代子所执著的这样东西对代子而言并不是只是一样简单的东西,而是代子的精神寄托。因为有了这样东西这件事情,代子开始觉得快乐,每天也过的充实许多。所以,代子并不想就这样放弃!!因为代子要做到“遇强越强”的态度,这样才对得起自己!!还没有尝试就放弃对代子来说是绝对不可能!

也许将来某一天,前辈会证明他说的是对的。也许将来,经过努力后,代子还是失败了。但是,至少代子努力过了... ... 前辈,谢谢你的照顾和关心。但是代子想说声对不起,因为我没有听你的话,代子决定还是要抱着这股傻劲继续冲下去~~!!