Friday, November 6, 2015

Angeline's Evolution

I am keeping my mind a little bit restless lately...
It's a beginning of another level of life I suppose.

I see myself evolving...
from asking who am I, what is this, and why 
to seeing clearly who I am and want to be.
Though I am still the friendly, lovely, kind but ego and stubborn Angeline as I used to be.

The restless mind is keep discovering, analysing, making decisions and then being determined and responsible for all the decisions made.
Though it's not as smooth as it's planned, but the bitter sweet mistakes are all well-appreciated.

I met a wrong guy, I made a wrong judgement and even I might have ruined a better future due to a wrong decision.
However, all and all of this do not resist me to keep going. I could be just fixing all the mistake to the best I can.
I see courage growing deep within me.

The wrong guy I met I could be just erasing from the friend's list, and perhaps keeping him out of my life.
The wrong judgement I made I could be just open up my heart to accept it once again.
The wrong decision I made I could be just keep going until the end. No one would ever know what's the ending story, as no one could ever tell if this is a wrong decision. It could be right when the timing is right.

And the most important thing is, I started to love myself even more.  

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