Sunday, February 19, 2012

Never Say Never

Well, we all human beings..
Sometimes, something that could really bring us down for a while.
No matter how strong your heart and your mind could be,
it just beat you down unconsciously.

Human, sometimes, is too weak to be defeated by other people words.
We are too easy to be influenced by others, and we just couldn't help it.
Sooner or later, we lost ourselves, lost the direction, and lost our dreams.
And yet, we still couldn't find the way out.

Human, do you know the meaning of life?

Everyone could be somebody, if you really wanna be one.
Words could be the most powerful weapon, but your faith is stronger.
Sometimes, people just couldn't see the real you,
but only you could show them how best you are.
Those who always shout how good they are are those who are empty inside.
Your effort and your hardwork are never a waste.
Even though it is not appreciated by some people,
but there's always someone out there who are so grateful to have you with them.

Never lose your pride and confident, even people is doubting your capability.
Because you can prove them wrong and shut their mouth without using a single weapon.
Never devalue yourself when other people does.
Because they are just the fool who can't see how precious you are.
Never defeat by other people words, even though the whole word turns you down.
Because one day, they gonna regret to what they have said to you.

Always remember,
you own your own life.
No one should live their lives for others.
And no one could defeat you, except you yourself.